How to help

A Few Ways to Serve/Give
Bring your group or organization out to help us walk the streets and pass out food
Sponsor food for the night!
Contact Me – Nights
Edwards Housing Homeless
If your heart is for the youth, you will love volunteering here! In addition to all we do for the youth living on the streets, every quarter we throw birthday parties for the homeless youth on the streets so that they know they are loved.
A Few Ways to Serve/Give
Fundraiser coordinator
Be a part of the party planning committee
Serve at the parties
Offer your services at a party (ie. face painting, balloon twisters, costume characters, etc)
Donate presents, party supplies, decor
Contact Me – Kids
Edwards Housing
Edwards Housing families partners up with different organizations, locates resources and the necessary volunteers who can help execute the plan to help a family get off the street and back into society permanently.
A Few Ways to Serve/Give
Researching different resources and organizations that we can work with.
Become a case manager for those who we help get off the streets
Help locate different job opportunities for the homeless getting off the streets
Contact Me- Families
Edwards Housing Host Special Events
Our special events are designed to help our friends feel normal again for a night. A night where they can enjoy some good food, some friends around and celebrate special holidays!
A Few Ways to Serve/Give
Worship team
Outreach Feeding team
Outreach Ministry team
Service team
Donations team
AT&T Concession Stand Team
Globe Field Concession Stand Team
Contact – Special Events
Edwards Housing
If you have a gifting in marketing we would love to have you on our team! Exposure of what we do could help us reach and help more people!
A Few Ways to Serve/Give
Marketing (Social Media, SEO)
Graphic Design
Email Marketing
Media/Public Relations
Contact Me – Marketing
Edwards Housing Services for our veterans
If you have a gifting you would like to share with our friends, please let us know! We will find a way to utilize your gifting within our organization.
A Few Ways to Serve/Give
Resume building
Contact Me – Service
Edwards Housing
We would love to have your organization partner up with us for a night, event or on a consistent basis. Please reach out to our our organizational coordinator to see how you can partner with us to make an impact on the streets!
A Few Ways to Serve/Give
Sponsoring food for a night
Donation drive at your school, work or organization
Sponsoring our organization at your next conference or event
Sponsoring an event
Contact – Partnerships
Donate your Car, Truck, Boat or RV

Cash App

Over the Phone
Call and speak with Tainisha Edwards at 817-404-7733